- On the Canary Blog, you’ll find tool reviews, step-by-steps, checklists, how-to’s, and inspirational use cases on futuristic topics. In this foresight overview, you get links to all the posts on foresight.
- Foresight is about understanding and anticipating potential future events, trends, and possibilities to inform present-day decisions. It’s not about predicting the future but about exploring a range of potential futures to make more informed and strategic decisions today.
- All foresight tips and insights come from my experience, so you’ll get practical, real-world, actionable information that you can adapt to your situation.
Table of Contents
The Foresigh FAQ post answers questions like: when to do foresight, who to include, what to do, and how to do it. This is a great place to start.
In Unraveling Foresight Misconceptions you’ll learn what foresight isn’t and how every foresight practitioner has to fight the demon on public assumptions about futurism. This is the other side of the FAQ post.
In Foresight Inspiration for Forward Thinking Leadership you’ll have a comprehensive list of foresight books, podcasts, institutions, conferences, online courses, and people to follow. This post is exceptionally handy if you want to deep dive into foresight at your own pace and follows the FAQ post.
In The Futuring Process in 24 Quotes you’ll find a quote to inspire others for every part of the foresight process. This post is well suited if you’re creating plans or presentations about your organization’s future.
In Foresight Funnies, Bob (our mascot) explains the 13 rules of foresight. It’s light-weight but no less true. When you ponder each rule, you’ll find that you may want to revise your foresight here and there.
Tips And How-Tos
In the 10-Minute Hack, you’ll experience the quickest way to foresight, ever. This post is handy when you have a critical strategy meeting and no time to prepare. Do the 10-minute hack, and you can participate in the discussion actively.
In 5 Futurists, you’ll hear good tips from world-famous futurists that you can apply immediately. The post is helpful when your organization is considering or amid a change process or transformation.
In 10 Surprising Foresight Tips, you’ll get the tips you need the most but hear the least. Based on an analysis of foresight providers, I will share the tips that they didn’t.
In Ethical Foresight, you’ll learn what ethical foresight is and how to start with it.
Special For Teachers
If you’re a higher education teacher, then The Power Teaching Foresight will show you how you can easily integrate foresight classroom activities into your lesson plans.
Considering the speed and scope of change in our society, I think it is very important that students learn how to manage this in their field.
I teach foresight to MBA students and innovation majors, so you’ll get tried and proven tips.
Stay Tuned
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