Here is a list of some scenario planning handbooks, articles and courses that you might find useful:
- Scenario Planning Handbook: Developing Strategies in Uncertain Times by Bill Ralston and Ian Wilson. This is a practical guide that explains how to use scenario planning to cope with uncertainty, identify opportunities, and create alternative futures. It covers the basic concepts, methods, and applications of scenario planning, with examples and case studies from various industries and sectors. You can find it on Amazon or Google Books.
- Learning from the Future: How to Make Robust Strategy in Times of Deep Uncertainty by J. Peter Scoblic. This is an article from the Harvard Business Review that describes how strategic foresight can help leaders imagine multiple futures and link current actions to future outcomes. It also provides a framework for conducting scenario planning exercises, along with tips and best practices. You can read it on HBR.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Effective Scenario Planning by Patrick Viguerie, Sven Smit, and Mehrdad Baghai. This is another article from the McKinsey Quarterly that discusses the common biases and challenges that hinder scenario planning, and how to overcome them. It also offers some advice on how to integrate scenario planning into the strategic-planning process and embed it into the organizational culture. You can access it on McKinsey.
- Scenario Planning: What Functional Leaders Should Know by Gartner. This is a web page that summarizes the key points and benefits of scenario planning for functional leaders, especially in times of crisis. It also provides some links to other Gartner resources on scenario planning, such as webinars, podcasts, reports, and tools. You can visit it on Gartner.
- Scenario Planning and Strategic Forecasting by Jay Ogilvy. This is an online course offered by Stanford Continuing Studies that teaches the fundamentals of scenario planning and how to apply it to various domains and contexts. It covers the history, theory, and practice of scenario planning, as well as the skills and techniques for creating and using scenarios. You can enroll in it on Stanford or watch some sample videos.
- Scenario Planning Executive Edition by Futurist Barbara. The quickest way to do a scenario planning project. You can enroll here.
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